Jerry Southwick

Artist, Author, Illustrator, Web Designer


Poo at the Zoo

A "fun to read out loud" picture book. Poo at the Zoo explores a simple misunderstanding when a boy steps in poo at the zoo. Was it thrown there on purpose? Were there witnesses? Is it even poo? The zoo animals chime in to help sort out the, uh, mess.

Poo at the Zoo Book Cover

Poo at the Zoo
Written and Illustrated by Jerry Southwick
32 PAGES | Ages 4-10+

Spoiler alert -- this book contains the word "Poo". To truly enjoy the colorful illustrations, I recommend the hardcover version.


Piper's Balloons

See what happens when Piper brings back colorful balloons to the colorless land of Sepia


Contact Jerry

© 2023 Jerry Southwick. All contents of this website are copyrighted. Permission to use any of the images or other content of this site is NOT granted for any form.